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Archived Commercial Blog Posts

Apartment Odor Removal: 2 Safe Methods For Your Property

7/14/2022 (Permalink)

A SERVPRO professional cleaning a up animal feces that was causing apartment odor. The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 to help combat the toughest apartment odors!

Our experts can take care of your apartment odor removal, so your next tenants move into a fresh-smelling space!

No one enjoys living in a smelly apartment, but unpleasant smells can sometimes be challenging to remove. Don't worry, though—professional odor removal services can help! They will use special equipment and techniques to eliminate the smell and leave your apartment smelling fresh and clean.

If you're a property manager, you must be aware of the options for odor removal. This way, you can quickly and easily eliminate unpleasant smells in your apartment complex. Keep reading to learn more about professional odor removal services.

4 types of smells that require professional apartment odor removal

The odor from pet urine

If you have tenants with pets, be aware that pet urine can sometimes cause unpleasant smells; act quickly if you notice this smell in any area of your apartment complex. Professional odor removal services can help eliminate the smell and prevent it from returning so that your next tenant doesn't have any issues when they arrive.

The odor from mold and mildew

Mold and mildew can sometimes cause an apartment to smell musty. If you notice any areas in your apartment complex that have a musty smell, it's vital to have them professionally cleaned as soon as possible. The poor air circulation and the damp environment combined with the mold will cause your entire apartment to smell musty. If you don't want mold or mildew in your house, hire professional odor removal services.

The odor from cigarette smoke

Removing the smell of cigarette smoke can be challenging. If you have tenants who smoke cigarettes, be aware that the odor can linger long after they've finished smoking. Ozone therapy—often called air filtration or air purification—can help you eliminate the cigarette smoke in your home and make it smell fresh and clean.

Odor from cooking

Cooking odors can sometimes be difficult to remove, especially if the apartment doesn't have proper ventilation. If you notice any areas in your apartment complex that smell like cooking odors, it's vital to have them professionally cleaned as soon as possible. Cooking odors can be removed by professional odor removal services, leaving your home smelling fresh.

Odors leftover from a fire

If there's been a fire in your apartment complex, it's crucial to have the area professionally cleaned as soon as possible. The next tenant will appreciate the fresh smell of your apartment after these odors have been professionally eliminated.

The 2 methods we use when eliminating odors

Dry fogging

The two main methods for professional apartment odor removal are dry fogging and ozone therapy. Dry fogging is a process that uses a fine mist to eliminate odors. The haze will attach to the odor particles and break them down, leaving your apartment with a fresh smell. This is a safe and effective method that we can use on various odors.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy, also called air filtration or air purification, is another popular method for apartment odor removal. This process uses ozone to eliminate odors. Ozone is a gas that is produced when oxygen molecules are broken down. When we use ozone to eliminate odors, it will attach to the odor particles and break them down. This is a straightforward approach that may be utilized on several different smells.

Trust SERVPRO of North Bethesda with your apartment odor removal!

When it comes to apartment odor removal, there are a few different methods that you can use. Professional odor removal services can eliminate unpleasant smells in your apartment using dry fogging or ozone therapy. These methods are safe and effective and will leave your apartment smelling fresh and clean.

If you have any areas in your apartment complex that smell terrible, trust SERVPRO of North Bethesda to eliminate the odor—we're always here to help! Reach out via our contact page today.

Restaurant Water Damage: 4 Useful Steps for Recovery

6/9/2022 (Permalink)

Restaurant water damage in a North Bethesda restaurant Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for fast restaurant water damage services!

Recover quickly from restaurant water damage with help from the professionals at SERVPRO of North Bethesda!

Water damage can be a significant problem for restaurant owners. Not only is it unsightly and can cause structural damage, but it can also lead to the growth of mold and bacteria.

It's essential to have a plan in place to deal with any potential emergencies to protect your restaurant from water damage. This plan should include having a water damage restoration company on standby in case of any restaurant water damage.

This article will outline the steps you should take in the event of restaurant water damage and provide tips on how to prevent water damage from occurring in the first place.

Steps for restaurant water damage

  1. The first step is to identify the source of the water damage. It can be anything from a broken water pipe to heavy rain or flooding. After determining the water's origin, it's crucial to take action to stop the flow of water.
  2. The next step is to assess the damage. This step includes looking at the extent of the water damage and determining what can be salvaged. It's essential to evaluate the damage quickly, as mold can begin to grow within 24-48 hours. Take pictures of the damage for insurance purposes.
  3. The third step is to begin the restoration process. Water damage restoration includes using industrial fans and dehumidifiers to dry the affected area. Follow the guidelines of a professional restoration company to ensure that the restaurant is restored correctly.
  4. The fourth and final step is to prevent future water damage. You can do this by ensuring that all restaurant pipes are in good working condition and regularly inspecting the restaurant for any potential water damage.

Following these steps will help restaurant owners deal with restaurant water damage effectively and efficiently.

Restaurant water damage causes

There are a few common causes of restaurant water damage, the most common being a broken water pipe. If you have a plumbing emergency, it's crucial to shut off the water immediately and call a professional. Other causes of restaurant water damage include severe weather, leaks in the restaurant roof, and faulty restaurant appliances.

Consequences of restaurant water damage

Water damage can have several consequences for restaurant owners, the most serious is extensive structural damage. Water can also cause the growth of mold and bacteria, which can lead to sanitation issues within the property. In addition, restaurant water damage can lead to losses in revenue as a result of the closure of the restaurant.

Preventing restaurant water damage

There are a few steps that restaurant owners can take to prevent water damage from occurring. The first step is regularly inspecting the restaurant for any potential water damage, including checking pipes for leaks and inspecting the roof for any leaks or damage. The second step is to have a plan in place for dealing with water damage, including having a water damage restoration company on standby in case of an emergency. Finally, it's essential to maintain restaurant appliances to prevent water damage.

By following these steps, restaurant owners can effectively prevent restaurant water damage.

SERVPRO of North Bethesda: we can help with your restaurant water damage!

Restaurant water damage can occur in various ways, the most common being a broken water pipe. If water is not quickly and adequately cleaned up, it can cause extensive damage to your restaurant property. 

Have a plan for dealing with restaurant water damage, including having a restoration company on standby.

If you discover restaurant water damage on your property, give the experts at SERVPRO of North Bethesda a call. We're always here to help, and our water damage restoration team can get your business up and running "Like it never even happened."

4 Flat Roof Leak Signs and Tips For Minimizing Damage

5/5/2022 (Permalink)

A pool of water on a flat roof causing a leak Contact the SERVPRO commercial water restoration professionals for any size water damage job!

You don’t have to deal with a flat roof leak alone!

Commercial property owners need to be aware of the dangers a flat roof leak can cause. A small leak can become a big problem if it’s not addressed right away.

Leaks can cause water damage, mold growth, and even structural damage to your property. Therefore, it’s important to know the signs of a roof leak so that you can address the issue as soon as possible.

This article will outline some of the most common signs of a flat roof leak and discuss steps you should take when water enters your property from above.

Signs of a flat roof leak

There are a few telltale signs that you have a flat roof leak. If you notice any of the following, it’s time to call a professional for help:

  1. Water spots on your ceiling: This is one of the most common indicators that you have a roof leak. If you see water stains on your ceiling, there is likely a leak somewhere in your roof.
  2. Peeling paint. If the paint on your ceiling or walls is peeling, it could be a sign of water damage, particularly behind your walls. Additionally, peeling paint is often a sign of increased moisture in the air, a sign that there’s a leak somewhere on your property.
  3. Mold growth: If you notice any mold growing near your roof, this could signify moisture buildup from a leak. Mold can cause significant damage to your property, so it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
  4. Cracks in your roof: Another common sign of a flat roof leak is cracks or holes in your roofing materials. Water can enter the roof and pass through the walls, creating conditions for mold growth. If you notice any cracks or damage, it’s essential to get them repaired.

What should I do if I discover a flat roof leak?

Leaks can cause significant damage to your property, so it’s important to take care of them as soon as possible.

The first step is to determine the source of the leak. Next, clear the area below the flat roof leak once you know where the leak is coming from on your property. Removing items below the leak will minimize the damage if water starts to enter your property.

You may need to remove any furniture or personal items that could be damaged by moisture and any electrical equipment or wiring. Also, ensure any boxes in the vicinity stay dry—soaked cardboard poses a high risk of mold growth.

Collect the water by placing a bucket under the leak site. If you can’t collect the leaking water, be sure to mop up any moisture immediately.

Finally, call the water damage restoration team at SERVPRO of North Bethesda. Our advanced moisture detection equipment can ensure that you don’t have excess water on your property, which dramatically reduces the risk of mold growth and structural damage.

SERVPRO of North Bethesda: we’re here for you when your property experiences water damage!

If you have a flat roof, it’s essential to be aware of the signs of a leak. Remember, if you notice any of the following signs, it could mean that your flat roof is leaking:

  • water spots on the ceiling
  • peeling paint
  • mold growth
  • cracks in your roof

Since even a minor leak can cause extensive damage to your property, it’s vital to take action as soon as you discover a leak.

If you need help repairing or restoring water damage from a flat roof leak, contact SERVPRO of North Bethesda for assistance. We can assess the damage and provide you with a comprehensive plan for taking care of the water damage, making your home “Like it never even happened.”

A Free Warehouse Flood Prevention Plan + 5 Recovery Tips

3/31/2022 (Permalink)

A flood cut in a warehouse Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for flood damage restoration services!

Proper maintenance and yearly inspections are two of the primary keys for preventing chimney fire damage!

A warehouse flood is a serious problem that can cause extensive damage to the property and inventory. In addition, water can ruin products and equipment and can also lead to the growth of mold. Therefore, it is essential to have a comprehensive flood prevention plan to handle a warehouse flood if it occurs.

If you are unfortunate enough to experience a warehouse flood, call a water damage restoration professional. With their help, you can get your warehouse back to normal quickly.

What causes a warehouse flood?

Several things can cause a warehouse flood, including:

  • faulty plumbing
  • a broken water pipe
  • heavy rains or storms
  • flooding from outside the warehouse
  • improper drainage

What damage can a warehouse flood cause?

Any metal submerged in water for an extended period will rust. If stored products get wet, they may be ruined and have to be thrown away. Floors, walls, and ceilings can all be damaged by water.

Additionally, mold growth is a typical risk associated with a warehouse flood. Mold can grow on soaked cardboard, boxes, wood pallets, and other organic materials. If left unchecked, mold can cause structural damage to the warehouse.

Luckily, working with a water damage restoration professional like SERVPRO of North Bethesda can help you salvage your warehouse and inventory after a flood. We have the experience and expertise to get your warehouse back to its pre-flood condition.

What is a flood prevention plan?

Having a flood prevention plan in place can help you and your employees know what to do in the event of excess water infiltrating your property. Some crucial components of a water prevention plan include:

  • Installing a sump pump in low-lying areas
  • Having proper drainage around the warehouse
  • Regularly checking and cleaning your gutters
  • Placing sandbags around doors and windows to help keep water out when the weather report indicates a potential flood
  • Inspecting the warehouse for any possible water leaks

The experts at SERVPRO of North Bethesda can help you create a flood prevention plan; we offer the creation of a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for free, which provides an immediate plan of action in case of disaster.

Warehouse flood recovery tips

  1. Call a water damage restoration professional to assess the damage and begin recovery.
  2. Dry out the affected area as soon as possible to prevent further damage and facilitate the drying process.
  3. Dispose of any wet or damaged products and equipment.
  4. Have a plan for how you will continue to operate your warehouse while dealing with the water damage.
  5. Monitor the progress of the recovery process and make necessary adjustments.

A warehouse flood is a serious problem, but with the help of a water damage restoration professional, you can get your warehouse back to normal in no time. Just be sure to institute a comprehensive flood prevention plan to help mitigate the risk of future flooding.

Call SERVPRO of North Bethesda whenever you experience a warehouse flood!

Water damage is a severe issue. If your warehouse floods, you'll need to mitigate the water as quickly as possible to avoid expensive and time-consuming repairs. A comprehensive warehouse flood prevention plan from the experts at SERVPRO will help ensure that there are no leaks or spills on the property before they have a chance to turn into a disaster.

In the unfortunate event that your warehouse does flood, it's important to take action quickly. The first step is to call a professional water damage restoration company to help get the water out and start repairing the damage. You'll need to dry out the warehouse as soon as possible, or you could face mold growth, which can ruin products and equipment.

Once the water has been removed, you'll need to assess the damage and start repairs. It can be a daunting task, but with the help of a professional water damage restoration company like SERVPRO of North Bethesda, you can get your warehouse back to normal quickly and easily. Contact us today for help with your warehouse flood!

4 Signs of Warehouse Mold & Effective Mold Remediation

3/3/2022 (Permalink)

Mold on a warehouse wall Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for superb mold remediation services!

Contact the experts at SERVPRO of North Bethesda whenever you find these signs of warehouse mold!

If you're like most business owners, you want to keep your warehouse in top condition. Unfortunately, warehouse mold can be a growing concern. Mold can cause extensive damage, leading to a loss in inventory and revenue.

If you think you may have a mold problem in your warehouse, it's vital to take action as soon as possible. In this blog post, we'll talk about the signs of warehouse mold and what you can expect when working with a mold remediation professional like the experts at SERVPRO of North Bethesda.

The dangers of warehouse mold

If warehouse mold is left untreated, it can cause extensive damage to your inventory and warehouse equipment.

Mold on paper goods such as boxes and envelopes can make them unusable and reduce their value. In addition, mold on wooden pallets and crates may degrade the wood, which reduces its structural integrity.

Signs of warehouse mold

Mold can be a severe problem in warehouses, and it's important to be aware of the signs of warehouse mold. If you notice any of the following signs, it's likely that you have a mold problem and should take action as soon as possible:

  1. Water damage: One of the most common signs of warehouse mold is water damage. If you notice water stains, pooled water, or moisture anywhere in your warehouse, there's a high likelihood of developing a mold problem.
  2. Strong, musty odors: You may notice a strong earthy or musty odor if warehouse mold is present. You can often smell warehouse mold before you see it.
  3. Unusual stains on warehouse surfaces: Warehouse mold usually appears as discoloration of warehouse surfaces such as wood pallets, paper boxes, and cardboard. Most warehouse mold shows up as black, brown, grey, or white. If you notice any unusual warehouse stains, it's best to have them tested for mold right away.

How long does it take for warehouse mold to grow and spread in a warehouse?

Warehouse mold can grow and spread quickly if left untreated. In most cases, warehouse mold will start to grow within 48 hours of contact with water or excess moisture. The mold will continue to spread and grow until mold remediation experts address the situation.

What to expect when working with a mold remediation professional

Working with a professional mold remediation team is essential when dealing with a warehouse mold issue. They will assess the situation and take the necessary steps to remove the mold and restore your warehouse to its former condition.

Here are some of the things you can expect when working with a mold remediation professional:

  1. A comprehensive assessment of the situation. The professionals will need to look at the entire warehouse and identify the source of the mold.
  2. The development of a plan of action. Once the mold remediation experts know what they're dealing with, they will create a plan to remove the warehouse mold.
  3. The removal of mold growth. The warehouse mold professionals will use various tools and techniques to remove all traces of mold. They may need to replace some warehouse materials as well.
  4. Implement preventative measures to keep warehouse mold from coming back, including performing necessary repairs, replacing warehouse materials, and implementing warehouse hygiene plans.

SERVPRO of North Bethesda: warehouse mold experts

Signs of warehouse mold include water damage, musty odors, unusual warehouse stains, and growth within 48 hours of contact with water or excess moisture.

It's vital to get any moldy areas in your warehouse cleaned up as soon as possible to avoid loss of property. Suppose you notice any of the signs mentioned in this article. In that case, it's best to take action immediately by reaching out to a professional mold remediation team like the professionals at SERVPRO of North Bethesda!